The importance of content can't be overemphasized. Without live quality content, investing in info displays is not worthwhile - blank screens or obsolete content do not benefit anyone. The content of the information screens can be manually generated in the content management system or automatically downloaded from your other digital services, social media, content partners or other third-party organizations - your content ultimately determines the benefits of information display communication!
High-quality, live and changing content is also a prerequisite for an effective and functional Digital Signage implementation. It captures your gaze and helps you get the impact you want in your target audiences. That is, of course, as long as your screen is placed where the viewer can see it.
With the right display placement and impressive content, you can achieve significant product sales growth or speed up the sharing of information with your organization's staff, for example. Let’s think together where you can best influence your viewer, and what kind of content would be best suited for that!
With a high-quality Digital Signage content management system, creating and adding content to different screens is simple and quick. With a few clicks, content can be added to a single screen, to a portion of the display network, or to the entire network. You can easily see from the maintenance what kind of playlist is playing on the screen right now and you can add ideas to the content which allows the content to be diversified. Implement your content taking into account the target audience as well as the time and the place. Read more>
Non-stop advertising can turn into background noise so it is advice to splice in other kinds of content from time to time. Automatically updated current news, weather, bus schedules, or posts from social media between ads bring useful variation to playlist content and are sure to interest your audience. They also increase the effectiveness of your ads, as long as other content is of interest to your target audience. GALAXO® - Our Content Partners>
If the service you use, such as production or sales systems, has an open interface, it can probably also be used to retrieve information for information displays. Before purchasing information displays, inquire about the supplier's readiness to implement system interfaces to external services.
Load here Digital Signage guide
Benefits of Digital Signage - Adding value to your operations - Content matters - Deployment steps - Display placement - Management software - Implementations - Support services - Vendor selection - 10 point checklist